Preserving the human element in healthcare financial services

Like it or not, your financial services partner affects your patients’ satisfaction and view of your organization. While others may take a more dispassionate approach to healthcare financial services, we remember that your patients are human too, and our results speak for themselves. 



Solving your problems with alacrity and vision

At Nikao Pike Group, we’re agile and flexible, dedicated to discovering the problems holding your organization back and solving them with custom plans created from 20+ years of industry experience. 

What makes us different

At Nikao Pike Group, we approach healthcare financial services a little differently, offering customized programs that enhance your current processes and staff while adding value through quick application turnaround and empathetic patient support that leaves your customers with a more positive view of your business.

Let us give you a hand.

Contact us, at no cost and with no obligation, to see what we may be able to do for you.